Letter to Families Regarding School Cancellation
The provincial government announced that schools will be closing indefinitely on March 20, 2020. Please see information for families from Regina Public Schools here.
The provincial government announced that schools will be closing indefinitely on March 20, 2020. Please see information for families from Regina Public Schools here.
Term 2 conferences are quickly approaching. Conferences for Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten "B" students will be held on March 12, 2020. Conferences for Kindergarten "A" and Grade 1-8 students will be held on March 13, 2020. Families will be able to book their conferences online beginning March 2, 2020 at 7:00am. For more information on how to book a conference or create an account prior to March 2nd, please select the following link: March Conferences 2020.
Please select the following link to view information regarding high school open house dates: https://www.reginapublicschools.ca/node/449 .
The February edition of our school newsletter is now ready for viewing. Enjoy!
January 16, 2020
All student transportation cancelled due to extreme windchill of -45C. This includes buses, vans, taxis & other vehicles used to get students to & from school. All schools are open. Please report any absences to the school.
All field trips, unless otherwise indicated, are cancelled as well. If you are choosing to keep students home, please call the absence into the school. All schools remain open. Stay safe!
The McLurg Winter Carnival will be held on December 18th from 6:00 - 7:30pm. Join us for a night of family fun as we welcome the holiday season. We look forward to seeing you there.
The November edition of the school newsletter is available for viewing here.
November conferences for Kindergarten "A" and Grade 1-8 students are scheduled for November 15, 2019. Conferences for Kindergarten "B" students will be held on November 14, 2019. We are once again using an online booking service. Information has been previously sent home with students and can be accessed here.
Lifetouch Photography will be at McLurg on Thursday, October 10th for Pre-K, Kindergarten "B", and grades 1-6.
On Friday, October 11th, photos will be taken of Kindergarten "A" and grades 7 & 8.
Please note that due to scheduled field trips Ms. Desjarlais' class will have their photos on Friday, October 11th and Mr. Lorenz's class will have their photos on Thursday, October 10th.
Welcome back everyone. Our first newsletter of the 2019-20 school year is ready for viewing. Here is the link to our September edition.
125 Paynter Cres.
Regina, Sask. S4X 2A9
Ph: (306)791-8496
Fax: (306) 523-3031
email: mclurg@rbe.sk.ca