The MSCC has some fun things coming up
First up on our list will be School Clothing. Thank-you to Torchy’s Sport Imaging & Embroidery for giving us the opportunity to have an online ordering option. This will help us to keep things as simple as possible and with the least amount of contact during this time. You can follow the link https://studio.reginatshirts.com/mclurg_school/shop/home to order all your McLurg gear. Delivery will be early to mid December to the school.
Secondly, we have launched our annual Mom’s Pantry Fundraiser. This has been a very successful fundraiser for us in the past and we are fortunate to be able to run it once again. A couple of changes for this year will be that only online orders will be accepted, as well as our pick-up procedure will be adapted to meet the safety requirements of our school and community. You can visit www.momspantry.ca to order. Group Name is McLurg School Community Council and Order Number 341028 and Passcode 24845.
Lastly, for those in our community who would like to support the school but not interested in these fundraisers, we have again our “OPT OUT” fundraiser – where you can just contribute any amount in support of the school.
Thank you to all who support our school in whatever way suit them!
Visit our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/MSCCpage) for up-to-date information. Please email us at mclurgfunlunches@gmail.com with concerns or questions.
Happy shopping ?