Please scroll down the REGISTRATION page for Pre-K and Kindergarten registration forms.
Pre-Kindergarten 2021-2022
If you have three and four year old children please contact us at 306-791-8496 to inquiry about our Pre-K program.
Kindergarten 2021-2022
If you have a child who will be five years of age on or before, December 31, 2021, he or she is eligible for Kindergarten. We are now accepting registrations for 2021—2022 Kindergarten. Please contact us at 306-791-8496, download a registration form from the Regina Public Schools website or pick one up at the school office.
Mrs. Melnechenko has created a Welcome Video (please ask for the link when you register your Kinder) and activity for new Kindergarten students. There is also a Kindergarten readiness check-list. Pre-K and Kindergarten registration forms and Regina Public School's information are available here.